
What is your Wellness Travel Style?


December 5, 2021


Over the last 2 years, the wellness industry has grown exponentially.

According to the Global Wellness Institute, there are 11 wellness marketing sectors.  The top five are: 

  • Personal Care and Beauty
  • Healthy Eating, Nutrition and Weight Loss
  • Physical Activity
  • Wellness Tourism
  • And Traditional and Complimentary Medicine

Today, I am going to focus on Wellness Tourism and help you determine the type of wellness traveler you are and your style.  Hope you enjoy!

So, what is Wellness Tourism?  The Global Wellness Institute defines it as the pursit of maintaining or enhancing one's personal well-being.  To break it down even further, there are two types of wellness travelers:

  • Primary - refers to trips in which the trip itself, the destination, and the activites are primarily motivated by wellness.
  • Secondary - refers to trips where wellness is not the primary motivation for the trip, but where wellness affects some choices and activities because the traveler would like to maintain good health and /or their wellness lifestyles during the trip. 

Which one are you? 

Now that you have identified the type of wellness traveler you are, go a little deeper and figure out your style.  Here are a few examples including destinations that offer these experiences: 

Mind, Body and Soul: 

  • Spiritual - Thailand
  • Equine Therapy - Arizona
  • Healthy Eating (Ayurvedic/Organic/Raw Food) - Bali
  • Yoga and Meditation Retreat - Sri Lanka

Preventative and Pro-Active: 

  •  Medi-Clinic - Italy
  • Anti-Aging - Spain
  • Detox - Califronia
  • Stress Management - Texas

Outdoors and Active: 

  • Surfing - Morocco
  • Biking - Tuscany
  • Adventure and Adrenaline - New Zealand
  • Hiking - Switzerland

Don't be surprise if you find a few that interest you.  There are variety of resorts and experiences that address multiple styles.

So take your time exploring your interests and where you can experience them.  Now if you find it overwhelming, not sure where to start or want to host your own group retreat - drop me a email at and I am happy to help you craft your perfect Wellness Travel Experience.




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