You have hundreds of photos on your phone from past vacations, quick get-a-ways and events. Besides sharing some of those photos on Social Media, how often do you look at them? Probably not very often at all, which is too bad because you took those photos to remind yourself of those incredible moments in your life.
So, what are your options? Well Snowy River Images, Nat Caron Photography and Jennifer Klementti Photographer and Creative Director have got some great ideas for helping you to preserve and share your photos. So here we go. First of all…
1. Sort Through Your Photos: Sam, from Snowy River Images, suggests “You begin by going through all your photos and only pulling the ones that captured your ideal moments." It's easier if you do it as close to the event as possible, but if not just take your time and go by how you feel.
2. Save Your Photos: It is highly recommended by all the photographers to save your photos to both an external hard drive and an online storage system. Sam warns “External hard drives are notorious for failing so, be sure NOT to move it when it’s plugged in and to store it in a cool dry cupboard away from dust.”
3. Storage Options: Nat Caron suggests Dropbox or iCloud for your online storage and for your external hard drive she uses Western Digital. The company has been around for a long time and they offer inexpensive options through Costco. “Also don’t forget to label your files with the trip or event name plus month/year it was taken,” says Sam.
4. Printing Options: Jennifer Klementti’s favourite online shop for printing cherished photographs is Artifact Uprising. She not only loves the quality, but they also offer sustainably sourced products. It also offers an incredible iPhone App that you can use to upload photos directly from your phone and it can easily be dropped into a book design.
5. Presentation: As for what you can print your photos on, there are plethora of options including: framed photos, photo books, calendars, postcards, luggage tags, phone cases, canvas and it goes on. The most popular and user friendly is photo books. Nat loves Mimeo Books, but she also suggests Shutterfly, Blurb, Mixbook and Milkbooks as other options too. Creating a photo book, as a family, is also a great way to do an activity together.
6. Be Present: Jennifer likes to point out that some of her best photos are created when she embraces the moment and the people she is with. It’s in those moments of connection, where you will find inspiration and can create some of your most memorable photos.
At the end of the day, these photos not only capture special moments, but people who you cherish and who are no longer in your life. So treasure them, says Nat.